The Law Offices of Peng Fang, P.C. is an experienced New York City-based U.S. law firm which practices exclusively in U.S. immigration law. It is widely recognized by its clients for the excellent legal services that help both individual and institutional clients with respect to all matters relating to foreign nationals who come to this country either temporarily or permanently, including the associated legal rights, duties, and obligations of aliens in the United States.
We have an enormous, complex and constantly changing immigration system. It is very frustrating and time-consuming for the recently-arrived immigrants, academic universities, research institutes/centers, governmental organizations, and industries to navigate through this system when they are seeking to tap into the vast wealth of skilled foreign labor. At our firm, a team of immigration professionals works diligently to reduce the difficulties associated with the immigration process. We have special expertise in work visas (H Visa, O Visa, L Visa, etc.), PERM, immigration visas, green cards (EB1, NIW, EB3 and Religious workers), family based visas, visa waivers, green cards through family and employment, naturalization applications, and more. Immigration law is federal law which means that we are licensed to assist clients nationwide and even worldwide.
So far, we have efficiently and successfully represented the clients across the world. Apart from those from industrial sector, our clients are from universities to research institutions nationwide in complying with the complex immigration requirements of the USCIS, and DOL to retain highly skilled workers in such fields as biomedical research, information technology, computer software, engineering, arts and athletes, and help them in obtaining positive results in a timely and professional manner. The firm is put on numerous recommendation rolls of immigration lawyers by some celebrated universities such as Weill Medical College of Cornell University, The City College of New York (CCNY), University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), New Jersey Medical School (NJMS)-University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), NorthShore University HealthSystem), etc.
Peng Fang, Esq. has distinguished academic credentials. In the early 1980s’, he received a Bachelor Degree from Wuhan University and his Master degree in Law from School of Law, University of International Business and Economy, Beijing, China. Mr. Fang also studied at Schools of Law, The University of Miami and Columbia University; and received professional training programs at Morgan & Finnegan LLP, New York as a visiting scholar; and those held by WIPO, LES and AIPPI, etc.
Peng Fang, Esq. is an attorney specialized in immigration and nationality law, and has dedicated himself to the practices of USA Immigration Law. He has handled all types of immigration cases on behalf of aliens desiring to become lawful US residents, and has strong track record of high success rate for years. His devotion to his clients has earned his reputation as a preminent immigration attorney.
Peng Fang, Esq. was a member of the American Immigration Lawyer Association (AILA). He was invited to attend the 2007 Annual AILA Conference for “Daniel Levy Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievement in Immigration Law.” His more than 60 high quality scholarly articles have been published in the newspapers such as The Sino-American Times, Chinese New Weekly, The Duowei Times, etc., and in other international leading journals. In addition, he has made many presentations at international conferences. He also translated and co-translated a large volume of the U.S. laws and other related legal documents including seminar papers, which were published in the peer-reviews or printed for international conferences. Some of them were compiled and edited into the books. Peng Fang, Esq. was reported by many national and local newspapers. He has have immigration articles published for thousands of readers.
Our firm proffers wide-ranging consultations in which we evaluate your U.S. immigration aims, and scrutinize your eligibility for the various categories. We also examine and discuss the legal consequences of any unlawful presence, and any criminal offenses an individual may have. We will give realistic and valid solutions for your immigration problems. Our firm handles the difficult cases. We do not make any recommendations based solely on what can earn us the most money. When offering advice or services, our only consideration is what is best for the client.
Our firm takes pride in the fact that our accomplishments are reliably connected to the successes of those we serve, and are due, in great part, to the many enduring relationships we established with budding businesses years ago that are still upheld nowadays. We also look forward to the success of our new clients. The firm is committed to providing our quality dedicated professional services in a manner that produces recognizable value to our clients.
——– 资深律师方鹏用爱心提供优质、高效的法律服务
方鹏律师事务所位于纽约曼哈顿岛下城华尔街金融核心区的百老汇大道上(注:其办公大楼正面对著名的地标 – “华尔街铜牛”)。该所地理环境非常优越、交通位置十分方便。办公室舒适惬意、文档管理井然有序。方鹏律师热情、开朗、直率和诚挚, 有很强的亲和力。
近15年来, 方鹏律师主要精办各种移民法律方面的业务。他已被美国50多所大学、研究机构和几百家公司推荐为或聘请为移民律师。该所一直秉承 “诚信为本、成功至上” 的宗旨,以提供高质量和高效率的专业法律服务为理念,用真情和爱心面向和服务广大的侨胞和留学人员。该所的主要业务范围有:各种签证(如H1、 L、 O、 P、 E、 F、 B、K、V等)的申请、延长和转换;职业移民[特殊专才、杰出科学研究人员和教授、劳工认证程序(PERM)、特殊处理劳工认证程序(Special Handling)等];投资移民、亲属移民绿卡和归化入籍(包括英文辅导和陪同考试会谈)等等。
方鹏律师已主办了包括特殊专才、杰出科学研究人员和教授、国家利益豁免类别项下的、涉及几十门自然科学和社会科学的高级专业人才的移民案件。他在办理高级专业人才的移民案件时,十分注意在与客户充分沟通的基础上,并结合移民局当时审理的宽严情形,对案件类別的法定要求和客户的具体状况进行逐一对比、甄别、细查和全方位的权衡后作出合理、正确的评估和决定。方鹏律师认为如果不能精通移民的各种类别的法律规定,就会发生错判和误判, 甚至可能会造成 “错之一毫、失之千里” 。他准确地把握各种移民类别的法律要旨,及时追踪、收集、掌握和领悟移民局不同时期所作的意见,对案件作出及时、相应的分析和处理。他还极其重视所办案件相关文件的整体性以及互证关系等。他耐心地对客户提供周全的指导,並与其快捷地反映和交换意见。方鹏律师厚实的专业知识、缜密的逻辑分析、高超的撰写技巧、诚信高效的服务态度和方式已赢得了来自遍及全美和50多个国家客户的赞誉。此外,方鹏律师在办案时了解客户的要求和立场,弄清案件的具体事实,对客户 “爱之以德、晓之以情、授之以法、示之以谋”,正确地运用法律来争取和维护客户的最大权益,使其得到了优质、高效的服务,帮助他们实现了自己美国梦。
方鹏律师不仅富有丰富的法律从业经验, 而且也具有扎实的法学理论造诣。他自80年代初起在多种法律专业报刊和报纸上发表了60余篇论文、出版了两部专著, 并负责合编或合译了其它几部法律书籍。方鹏律师曾是美国《侨报》、《新象》周刊和其它报刊的法律移民栏目的主要撰稿人之一。他所撰写的“高级人才成功移民”、“高级人才的J、O、P签证”、“海外领养和移民申请”、“亲属成功移民”等200余篇系列连载问答式文章,也深受读者们的欢迎。作为一位资深律师,他还曾经常受到中国日报(英文版)、侨报、多维、华商年鉴等媒体的採访和报道。
方鹏律师事务所将不断地竭诚致力于向您和您的研究机构、大学和公司提供一流的专业法律服务! 如需提供法律服务,欢迎致电: 212-219 8869,传真: 212-219 8867. 地址: 11 Broadway, Suite 463, New York, NY 10004。电子信箱: [email protected] or [email protected]。